Luke chapter 1 – Prophesies and Songs
1. The prophesy about the birth of John
2. The prophesy about the birth of Jesus
3. Mary visits Elizabeth
4. Mary’s song
5. Birth of John the Baptist
6. Zechariah’s song
Luke chapter 2 – Birth and boyhood of Jesus
1. Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census.
2. The birth of Jesus in the manger
3. The angels appear to the shepherds who visit the babe
4. Jesus is presented at the temple; witnessed by Simeon and Anna
5. The Boy Jesus at the temple
Luke chapter 3 – Preparing the Way
1. The ministry of John the Baptist
2. The Baptism of Jesus
3. The genealogy of Jesus
Luke chapter 4 – The Beginning of Jesus ministry
1. The fasting and temptation of Jesus in the wilderness
2. Jesus rejected at Nazareth
3. Jesus received in Capernaum
4. Ministry in and around Peter’s house
Luke chapter 5 – The first disciples
1. Jesus preaches by the Sea of Galilee
2. Fishers of men
3. Jesus heals a leper
4. The paralytic down the roof healed
5. The choosing of Levi
6. Meal with the tax collectors
Luke chapter 6 – Sermon on the Mount
1. The Lord of the Sabbath
2. Jesus prays all night and chooses the 12 apostles
3. Sermon on the mount
a. Beatitudes and woes
b. Love for the enemies
c. Do not Judge
d. The tree and its fruit
e. The home built on the rock
Luke chapter 7 – The highs and lows of ministry
1. Jesus heals the centurion’s servant
2. Jesus raises the widow’s son at Nain
3. Jesus and John the Baptist
4. Jesus is anointed by the sinful woman at the Pharisee’s house
Luke chapter 8 – The stormy chapter
1. The supporters of Jesus
2. The parable of the Sower
3. riddles and revelations
4. The real family of Jesus
5. The storm is calmed
6. The legion is expelled into the pigs
7. The woman with an issue for 12 years
8. Jairus’ daughter raised
Luke chapter 9 – The great divide
1. Jesus sends out the twelve with power
2. The return and isolation at Bethsaida
3. Feeding the five thousand
4. Who do you say that I am?
5. There is a cost
6. The transfiguration
7. The healing of the epileptic
8. Who is the greatest?
9. The Samaritan opposition
10. Foxes have holes
Luke chapter 10 – Missions
1. Jesus sent out the 72
2. The Good Samaritan
3. Martha and Mary
Luke chapter 11 – Prayer, deliverance, signs and hypocrites
1. Jesus teaches on prayer
2. Jesus and Beelzebub
3. The eye with the light of insight
4. The sign of Jonah
5. Woe to the hypocrites
Luke chapter 12 – Security
1. Physical security
2. The rich fool and financial security
3. Be watchful
4. Interpreting the times
5. Reconcile before its too late
Luke chapter 13 – Fix your eyes
1. Look at yourself rather than others – repent
2. Look up O lady bent over from 18 years
3. Look below the surface – yeast and mustard seed
4. Look straight ahead – narrow door and the broadways
5. Jesus looks straight ahead at Jerusalem
Luke chapter 14 – banquet
1. Jesus invited for lunch at a Pharisees house
2. Jesus teaches on humbly oneself to be exalted
3. Jesus teaches on whom to invite to a feast
4. The Great Banquet
5. What does it take to be invited
6. The cost of being a disciple
Luke chapter 15 – The lost chapter
1. The lost sheep
2. The lost coin
3. The lost son
Luke chapter 16 – The Rich chapter
1. The rich man and the shrewd manager
2. Exchange money for eternal riches
3. The unchangeable law
4. Teaching on divorce
5. The rich man and Lazarus the beggar
Luke chapter 17 – Sin, Faith, Duty and the coming of the kingdom
1. Sin, Faith and Duty
2. The healing of the 10 lepers, only 1 returns
3. The coming of God’s kingdom – remember Lot’s wife
Luke chapter 18 – The outsiders
1. The persistent widow
2. The Pharisee and the Tax collector
3. The little children
4. The rich young ruler
5. Jesus himself rejected
Luke chapter 19 – The entry
1. Entry into Jericho, and into Zachaeus’ life
2. The parable of the minas
3. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
4. The clearing of the temple
Luke chapter 20 – Questions
1. Who’s given you the authority
2. The Son sent to the vine dressers
3. The rejected stone that became the chief capstone
4. Render to Caesar what belongs to him
5. There are no marriages in heaven
6. How can David’s Lord be his son?
Luke chapter 21 – The signs of the end of the age
1. The widows mite
2. Every stone shall be displaced
3. The signs of the end of the age
Luke chapter 22 – the betrayal and arrest of Jesus
1. Jesus’ last Passover
2. The last supper and the new covenant
3. Teacher becomes servant
4. Judas betrays Jesus
5. The prayer at the garden of Gethsemane
6. Jesus is arrested
Luke chapter 23 – the trial and crucifixion of Jesus
1. Pilate finds him not-guilty
2. Jesus sent to Herod
3. Herod mocks and sends Jesus back to Pilate
4. Pilate hands Jesus over to the will of the mob
5. Jesus is beaten, bruised, insulted and crucified
6. Jesus eventually dies at the cross
7. Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus
Luke chapter 24 – the resurrection, great commission and ascension of Jesus
1. The angels tell the women that Jesus is resurrected
2. Peter sees the empty tomb
3. Jesus appears to the disciples
4. Jesus appears at Emmaus
5. Jesus explains the events that had transpired
6. Jesus gives the disciples a commission
7. Jesus ascends to heaven
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