Monday, December 17, 2007

The Truth will set you free

Lie 1:
The universe was an accident. There is no meaning or purpose to life.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
There is a purpose for everything that God created.

Lie 2:
God created man to do something for God; to fulfill God’s need.
We were created out of love, destined to be his children (like Christ, through Christ)

Lie 3:
The most important thing in life is to know what is good and what is evil so that we can live a perfect and sinless life.
Partake of the tree of Life

Lie 4:
The greatest expression of our love for God is sacrifice.
Obedience is the greatest expression of our love for God.

Lie 5:
God is not really good. He is to blame for….
God’s character is perfect.

Lie 6:
God is not really big.
God’s nature is incomparable and flawless.

Lie 7:
Somebody else is to blame for my sin.
I have to accept responsibility for my own actions.

Lie 8:
God allows bad things to happen to make us better or for some other mysterious reason.
No He does not.

Lie 9:
God’s will is his blue print for the whole creation and His will always prevails eventually.
God’s will is his heartbeat, his desire and good plans for our well being but it’s not fate and so, more often then not, His will is not realized because it requires the willful obedience of man.

Lie 10:
To God mercy is more important than justice.
To God justice is more important than mercy.
Mercy and Justice are both expressions of the love of God. They must come out of love.

Lie 11:
God has no plan or solution for the fallen world.
Jesus Christ and us Christians are God’s plan and solution for the fallen world.

Petty lies:
Some people are predestined to go to heaven and others are predestined to go to hell.

God created men superior to women.

Men and women are equal and so their roles in family are interchangeable or the same.

The devil is destroying the land and produce; it is not because of our sin.

Man was made to take care of creation.

Some people are created as superior to others.

God wants to unite the whole world into one tongue, preferably English or Hindi, or maybe Chinese to make it easy to spread the gospel.

Some work is more important than the other. And the most important work is Christian ministry work. ( Truth: It is not what we do, but why we do that determines whether our work is sacred or secular)

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